Take Action Now
Support HopE Ghana tuition, room and board as well as laptop/computer programs through cash donations. (Link this to: more ways to make a difference)
Host an event
Fund raise for HopE Ghana by hosting an event:
- Dinner Party: you can host a dinner for friends and neighbors and ask them to donate what they would have spent eating out to HopE Ghana.
- Movie Night: You can also get your friends and neighbors together in your house to watch and discuss a movie or a documentary on special days and occasions and suggest a donation amount for each viewer in support of HopE Ghana.
- Morning Light Breakfast: Additionally, you can invite your friends and neighbors to a morning continental breakfast of tea or coffee and baked goods instead of meeting at a café. Ask them to donate the cost of their breakfast to HopE Ghana.
Spread the Word
Why not try any or all of the following to inform others about us?
- Add our HopE Ghana logo or website link to your email
- Follow us on Instagram at Hope for Education Ghana
- Talk to friends in your communities about our cause
- Like us on our Facebook page
- Follow @HopeforeducationGhana on Twitter
- Follow us on YouTube
Canvass for Educational Materials
One sure means you can support HopE Ghana is to collect the following from friends, loved ones, and your workplace or former schools:
- Used or brand new high school English, mathematics and science reference books
- Used or brand new college reference books such as – medicine, nursing, economics, education, leadership, actuarial science, business, engineering, computer science, art history, public relations, mass communication, leadership, education, among others
- Used or new laptops
- Science laboratory equipment/materials for high schools
Promote HOPE GHANA in the Media
We welcome any and all inquiries about HopE Ghana for stories in print, electronic, social media. We will be happy to partner individuals and groups to get word about HopE Ghana out there.